I guess at some point every Diaper Company has to develop their own cost comparison on types of diapers. For all cloth methods I have included 24 diapers and 6 covers, except for wool covers I only included 4 per size since fitteds will keep most poop off and they don't have to be washed as often.
Disposables average of .40c/diaper x 8 changes per day x 365 days x 2 1/2 years = $2920
All In Ones average $22 x 24 OS (0ne size) = $528, sized = $1584
Pockets average $17 x 24 OS = $408, sized = $1224
OS Fitteds average $14 x 24 = $336,
w/ 6 OS covers = $414, w/ sized covers = $570, w/ wool = $768
Sized Fitteds average $12 x 24 x 3 sizes = $864,
w/ OS covers = $942, w/ sized covers = $1098, w/ wool = $1296
Prefolds average $2 x 24 x 2 sizes = $96
w/ OS covers = 174, w/ sized covers = 330, w/ wool = 528
Flats average $1.5 x 24 = $36
w/ OS covers = $114, w/ sized covers = $270, w/ wool = $468
Mini Diapers average $10 x 24 = $240,
w/ OS covers = $318, w/ sized covers = $474
Trifolds average $7 x 24 = 168,
w/ OS covers = $246, w/sized covers = $402
Hybrid will basically be like on of the above cloth methods plus the cost of disposable inserts.
Covers average $13
OS: Econobum = $9, Flip $14, Best Bottom $17
Sized: Bummis Super Lite $10, Thirsties $12, Diaper Circus $16, AMP $16
Wool average $36 (this is very conservative)
Most parents will go with a mixed stash which will end up costing a little more, and cloth diapers require unique accessories that will normally cost around $50-75. Most calculators figure the cost of detergent, water, and electricity at about 13c/per load, and it has been proven that the manufacture of disposable requires the use of more water than that of manufacturing and washing cloth. Each method can be purchased more or less expensively, including disposable.
The most important factor to remember is that the cost of disposables is per child, while most cloth can be used for many.
Other ways to save money on cloth:
-Buy used
- Sew your own
- Sell when you are finished
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